Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

KOREAN FEVER attacks me!

korean oh kerean... first time i knew about korean boyband, pas main ke rumah ARLINKA. she showed a movie in youtube dan gue sama yang lain langsung ikutan nonton. that was Super Junior Explore The Human Body ! it was really hilarious! sampe gak bisa brenti ngakak. itu berlanjut, di rumah gue langsung buka youtube dan nonton Super Junior EHB hampir tiap hari. dan tiap kali nonton juga i cant stop to LAUGH! soalnya that's really really funny!! semenjak saat itu gue jadi tergila-gila sma super junior. mulai dari download semua lagunya, cari2 SuJu's pict dari internet and many moooreee...

my favorite are Ki Bum and Siwon. kibum is very cute and siwon is very cooool! yeah! hahahhaha.tpi lama-lama gue jadi bosen about korean dan stop to look after KOREAN boyband.

recently, temen-temen gue such as prima, tirza, shasha, oline, tania, sylvi, dll mulai ngomongin tentang korean boyband(again) yaaa krn udah lama bgt gaa update jadi every single time they chat about KOREAN gue cm bisa ngeliatin dan dengerin dengan seksama. -_- tapii lama-lama dan krna holiday syndrome juga i'll try to find out! SuJu hmmmm i think not!soalnyague udah sedikit tau ttg SuJU.hehe.akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk cari yang lain yaitu : SHINee! look similar sama SuJu dan hari itu juga gue langsung nntn reality show-nya..OMG!nntn 1 episode aja gue udah langsung fall in love(lebbaaaaythats also funny and those boys are cuuuutteeeee! aw aw aw aw lols.

my favorite is JongHyun!!! he's handsome and cool. also has a great voice.hehheheh.but minho also cutee.aw aw aw.and my favorite song from SHINee is Noona You're So Beautiful (Replay). 

look like im gonna be a KOREAN FREAK now! korean boys are hotter. hihihihihi...

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